From ForeWord Reviews
(5 star review)
Bronze, the first in The Glister Journals series by B.B. Shepherd, follows Allison as she develops her first crush on Dave (though she is more than happy to just be his friend), learns to ride horses, and gains confidence from her new friends, both human and equine...Shepherd writes with intelligent humor...This is a strong first book, both for Shepherd and for the series. The friendships the characters build are realistic and lifelike, strong, and durable, just like bronze.
— Beth VanHouten ForeWord Reviews
From IndieReader
(4.5 star review)
The story is well-written and sweetly told. Allison’s anxieties and insecurities are true-to-life, and so affectionately and clearly portrayed as to make anyone who’s ever been through adolescence wince in sympathy. Dave, Robin and Chris are complicated, intelligent, three-dimensional characters whom the reader enjoys getting to know, and all of the minor characters are vividly drawn and believably real...The author is adept at setting a scene, both external and internal, bringing Allison’s mind and world to vivid life...
— Catherine Langrehr IndieReader
From Readers Favorite
(5 star review)
"Bronze: The Glister Journals" is a well-written novel of teenagers and their world...The main character Allison is a totally delightful fourteen year old girl whose innocence and awkwardness is refreshing. Dave and Chris Caldera, Robin and Melanie are good as supporting characters, and Allison's parents are believable in their initial strictness that eases as they get to know their neighbors and Allison's friends. The plight of Allison when she has to give gold back after knowing his identity will bring tears to most readers' eyes. "Bronze: The Glister Journals" is a good story that will be adored by teenagers who love horses and those teens who've never been near a horse.
— Alice DiNizo Readers' Favorite
From Booklist Online
As high-school freshman Allison adjusts to a new home and school, she finds not one but two new loves: a beautiful boy and a golden horse, only one of whom will still be in her life come summer...Allison narrates a gentle coming-of-age story that has a strong equine subplot... There are undeveloped plot points—such as the nature of Allison’s relationship with her crush’s older brother and the idea that Allison has some sort of mystical connection or history with horses—that hint at future complications and will likely keep readers looking for the next entry.
— Cindy Welch Booklist Online
From Judge Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards (Middle-Grade/Young Adult books category)
I would not have any problem recommending this novel to middle school students. The story was a good one and covers many things that these students are going through - moving to a new place and being the "new kid", choosing friends, judging people, getting to know someone that might be different from us, and love. There are also horses...YA girls love horses. The characters go through changes both good and sad. The dialogue was well done...I would definitely read the next books in this series.
“Bronze is one of my new favorite books! . . . I really fell completely in love with these characters . . . This is a very long book, but it is so worth reading. I finished it in less than a week because it drew me in completely . . . there is always something interesting happening. Allison develops a deep love of horses since all of her friends are horsey people. She starts finding herself and finds what true, lasting friendships are about. I feel like I could go on and on about this book and not say enough good!” (more) Christy on Christy's Cozy Corners
“The Glister Journals is a remarkable coming-of-age series about Allison Anderson, a high school freshman and self-proclaimed dork. When she moves from Los Angeles to a small town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, she encounters new and familiar challenges and learns (slowly) to trust others and establish her own sense of self. Aptly named, the Glister Journals reads like an intelligent, though self-conscious, teen girl’s diary. Within the pages of Bronze, the reader is immersed in Allison’s day-to-day life and lives every thrill, joy, fear, and anxiety right alongside her.” (more) Corinne on Wondermom Wannabe
“This book is fantastic. The characters are all well-rounded and fully developed. . . I can’t wait for the next book in the series. While most things are resolved at the end of the first book, there are still plenty of questions that need to be answered. Plus, I am finding that, since I finished reading it, I am missing the characters and want to know what they are up to. . . . There are very strong themes about friendship, loyalty and integrity that should be universal for everybody. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a good read.” (more) Jacqui on My Tower of Shame
“I had a really hard time putting it down . . . and leaving it down. Allison is a likeable, very relatable protagonist. I loved reading her mental processes, emotions, and interactions—I felt like I was walking around in her skin. Her social awkwardness is palpable and very realistic. Bonus: she wears glasses. Despite the fact that the blurb says Allison’s new friends “help her to trust, gain confidence, and venture beyond her previously isolated world,” this is not a fix-the-shy-person story so much as a narrative of Allison’s journey. She develops throughout the novel, but her personality remains essentially the same, and I love that.” (more) Serena at Poetree
“Have you ever read a book where you just wanted to hug the author when you were finished, and thank them a million times over for writing the book? That is the way I feel about this book. I have not read a book of this length in quite a while . . . and I just wanted it to keep going and going . . . This story was primarily written with a teenage market in mind, but it can be enjoyed by all ages. The main character Allison is one that I can relate to on many different levels, at her age I was the same as her in a lot of ways, feeling different and awkward and not having many friends. I loved how the author portrayed her with so much going on in her head, but being able to hide it from those around her. The characters were beautifully written, they all come across as very realistic like you could know them personally . . . I can and do highly recommend this book to be added to everyone’s TBR list if you enjoy a great read.” (more) Sharon on The Scribe's Library
“This was a wonderful book. When I started it I was hesitant especially with its length but I couldn’t put it down. The feelings described are so accurate for all teens not just Allison . . . (she) will have you cheering for her to succeed. She is so stubborn, scared, insecure but also smart and funny when she wants. . . A book that shows the bonds of friendship can help one blossom and grow into their own. One that shows how a socially inept young woman can gain strength and self confidence with a little kindness and success in other areas of life. . . most of all I love the development of feelings being seen with Allison and Dave.” (more) Books Are Love
“Captivating and highly recommended!!. . . I absolutely loved this book! It had me riveted from the first page. I can't really put my finger on what it was that I found so interesting, but I am hooked! The characters are beautifully developed and multi-dimensional. I especially love the Calderas, I am fascinated by their family dynamics and was left wanting more. Besides creating characters that are 'real', B.B. Shepherd also created characters that are truly likable! I found myself really becoming invested in their lives . . .” (more) Amy on bookwormamy
“Bronze is the first in a (hopefully) long series of novels in The Glister Journals written by B.B. Shepherd. It's a coming of age novel about a young girl coming to terms with over protective parents, a new set of friends and the yearning to learn to ride horses. The characters are wonderfully described in such a way that they become friends of the reader's and we end up totally wrapped up in their storylines. I can't wait for the sequel, to find out what happens to Allison and her friends, as their adventure continues!” Francine on LibraryThing
“Great Read! Bronze is an entertaining story that draws you in from the first chapter. It is a wonderful combination of a coming of age story, mixed with adventure and mystery. I loved the main character Allison, her portrayal by the author was so genuine I felt I knew her. This was a GREAT read; I can't wait to get my hands on the next book.” BookwormBlake on barnesandnoble.com